Category: Human Resources
ethnicity of officers (29A/23)
Officer numbers 1 jan 2023 (9A/23)
Gender Split of Officers (1578A/22)
The gender split (as percentage) across officers for these departments within your force.
Psychological Disorder Absences (1521A/22)
I would like to know the number of days taken off by police officers reporting sickness absence with a reason of anxiety, stress, depression or other psychiatric illness.
Police officer recruits (1416A/22)
Exercise of Powers to Civilian Staff & Volunteers (1407A/22)
Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please provide documentary evidence of what is intended by “adequate training”, and how this adequacy is achieved and maintained within your force, in the face of ever evolving legislation.
Detectives (1338A/22)
The structure of your detective departments, and the specific detective specialisms within your force (i.e. identifying the specific departments, such as CID, Rape and Serious Sexual Offences teams, Child-Protection units, Surveillance, Organised Crime and so forth).
New Police Officers (945A/22)
Please provide the number of new (ie not transferees) police officers (either as police constables or trainee detective constables) who joined your force under the following programmes:
Pre-Join Degree
DHEP (not including Police Now)
Police Now (Neighbourhood programme)
Police Now (Detective programme)
Promotion Assessors (798A/22)
1. The number of force assessors who assess police officers for promotion from Constable to Sergeant.
• A breakdown of these assessor’s ethnicities.