What is Proactive Publication?
Our force values remind us how important our relationship is with the people of the West Midlands.
Proactive publication helps make us more open and honest, as we publish information about us to the public.
We often publish and update further information via our publication scheme, as recommended by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Below are links to our proactively published information:
Corporate Communications Department – Newsdesk Service Level Statement for the media and journalists
Use of Force
- Please click here for details on Police Use of Force and Statistics for West Midlands Police
Fleet List
Publication Data wash Publication
In response to the announcement by the Home Office, a decision was taken by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) that all police officers, staff and volunteers in England and Wales will be checked against the Police National Database (PND) to identify any intelligence or allegations that need further investigation. The PND includes information from Custody records, crime records, intelligence records, domestic and child abuse records and known criminal entity records (OCGS, County Lines Investigations and Modern Slavery Information). The following comments by National Police Chiefs’ Council Chair Martin Hewitt, are relevant to this strategy: “The confidence of women and girls in the police has been damaged further by the horrific and abhorrent details revealed in the David Carrick case. They deserve better and they deserve to absolute trust in any officer they may deal with in their time of need.
Modern Slavery Statement
National Wellbeing and Engagement Forum Meeting Minutes
(Formerly National Attendance Management Forum (NAMF)) From February 2017 this information will be published by Northumbria Police