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Category: Human Resources

Officer Sick Leave (566A/22)

1. How many officers took sick leave for depression, anxiety, stress or post-traumatic stress between April 2021 and March 2022. By this, I mean where any of the terms ‘depression’, ‘anxiety’ or ‘stress’ or ‘post-traumatic stress’ appear in the description of the officer’s illness.

School-Based Police Officers (500A/22)

1. How many school-based police officers (including Safer Schools Officers or personnel bearing other titles that may cover police staff who spend some of their time on a school site) are there currently in your police force?

First Aid Training (785A/22)

Do you require all Special Constables who are practicing medical professionals to complete your force’s full annual first aid training to the College of Policing First Aid Learning Programme standard (FALP) standard, or do any officers currently have an exemption from mandatory first aid training because of other qualifications?

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