Harborne Park Road A4040 (794A/22)
Harborne Park Road A4040
Harborne Park Road A4040
Top 10 Roads
• The total number of speeding tickets handed out to drivers in your constabulary between 1st January 2021 to 1st January 2022.
• This information should include the collated total number of fines for drivers of cars, HGVs, LCVs, Buses and Motorcycles that exceeded the outlined speeding limit.
Can the above-mentioned information please be supplied in excel format and the data be categorised as per the bullet poinst above.
I would like to know how many covid fines were handed out by WM Police in Birmingham?
I am after information relating to your Police Force and in particular the number of Fixed Penalty Notices handed to e-scooter riders.
Request Response Please be advised that the information that you have requested is not available in a readily retrievable format. In relation Question 4 and 5, we would need to locate retrieve each incident log and perform a manual search of the incident summary to see if it mentioned an e-scooter. Therefore, the cost of […]
1) Can you please tell me how many individuals your police force has issued with Fixed Penalty Notices for non-compliance with covid-19 testing requirements on returning to the UK after travelling abroad since January 1, 2021, to September 8, 2021.
FPN -Sutton coldfield
Please could I have the numbers for people fined for the offence of dangerous parking in the past 6 years in the wards of Kings Norton, Northfield and Longbridge.