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Month: November 2022

LGBT Merchandise (1120A/22)

This is an information request relating to purchases of LGBT merchandise, visits to LGBT pride parades, and the wrapping of police vehicles in rainbow decorations
Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:

Fraud (1576A/22)

How much money was lost to fraudsters and scammers within the force’s jurisdiction in 2020 and 2021 and so far in 2022? (If the force records fraud and scams as separate crimes, please provide data for both)

Fleet (1560A/22)

The oldest [i.e. since purchased] police car used by your force, in number of years.

Grading of IIoC (1544A/22)

Do police officers and staff who are trained in the grading of indecent images of children hold any formal or national accreditation or qualifications similar to staff from the NCA and The Internet Watch Foundation, who also grade indecent images of children?