Under 17 Arrests (828A/21)
How many arrests of children aged 17 years and under were made by your police force from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020?
How many arrests of children aged 17 years and under were made by your police force from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020?
How many disability hate crimes have been recorded by your police force for the last two financial years –2019/20 and 2020/21?
1) In the 2020 calendar year how many crimes were logged by your force where Airbnb was recorded as being an element in the offence. [Note: I would hope that this could be achieved by a computer search on the MO of crimes for the word/s ‘airbnb’, ‘air bnb’, ‘air-bnb’ and ‘air bandb’.
I would like to request data on how many racially aggravated incidents or hate crimes have been reported to and/or investigated by West Midlands Police involving victims who are of Chinese, East Asian and South East Asian descent and/or nationality in the six months between September 1 2020 and March 1 2021.
I would like your help under the FOIA for the following.
1. How many incidents have you had of suspects assaulting frontline officers causing them to be tested for Covid e.g. officers who have been spat at?
The number of stop and searches carried out for the months:
How many force police stations in operation at the start of 2010 are no longer operational? Please provide the name and address for each.
Subject: Freedom of Information request into Out of Court Disposals Scrutiny Panels
1. Whether there is a scrutiny panel in existence in your area, and whether this is active
For the 2019-20 financial year please state how many crime outcomes were concluded by your force because the age of the suspect was under 10, and so below the level of criminal responsibility.
The number of speeding tickets that have been issued from this area (junction 7 M6) during the one month period from 01.04.21 to 30.04.21.