Promotion Opportunities (353A/21)
What promotion opportunities do you provide to substantive officers?
What promotion opportunities do you provide to substantive officers?
Please may I get a copy of the current/latest pay scales for officers and staff.
Have all officers and staff who joined prior to the adoption of the national vetting policy in 2006 now been retrospectively vetted?
How many full-time equivalent investigators, of all ranks, did your force have as of January 1st 2021?
Please can you tell me if every Police Officer within your police force holds the Office of Constable? That is, has every police officer, sworn the following oath?
1) As of the 21st of February 2021, how many police candidates who have successfully passed their online or face to face assessment centres for the DHEP route are being processed by the recruitment team and waiting for a start date?
1. Over the last 5 years (2016-2020) how many police officers have been off from work on the sick, for 7 days or less? (Please can the data be broken down for each year separately).
would you kindly furnish me with the remuneration package that the Director of People & Organisation Development role currently offers
1. How many police officers have contracted COVID-19 since March 1st 2020? I would like this information broken down by month from March 1st 2020, up to and including today’s date. If data has not been included up to and including today’s date, please provide me with data starting from March 1st 2020, to the latest date where data is available.