Sickness (206A/22)
I would like to know the total number of sick days taken off by police officers due to mental health reasons, e.g. anxiety, stress, depression or other psychiatric illness.
I would like to know the total number of sick days taken off by police officers due to mental health reasons, e.g. anxiety, stress, depression or other psychiatric illness.
I would like to request any Human Resources reports, findings or risk register entries relating to the retention of staff within the Corporate Communications Team
1. I would like to know how many police officers have been recruited since 2009 by West Midlands Police?
2. And of the total number of applications received how many of those that disclosed a disability identified as a mental health issue went through the recruitment process?
3. And what stage they reached?
Please can you provide me the actual active police officer numbers, i.e. how many active police officer staff, for Coventry over the last 10 years.
Does your force have a policy/guideline/rule in place relating to an acceptable BMI/weight/fat ratio for new applicants to your force? If so could you please provide me with a copy?
I was wondering if I could get statistics on the force in general in 2011: Officer age, Officer religion, Officers ethnicity, Officers gender.
officers Resigned Voluntarily
Medically Retired Officers
1) The number of police staff in your Unit who currently hold roles under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (such as Financial Intelligence Officers (FIOs) and Accredited Financial Investigators (AFIs).
From this figure, please could you also answer the following:
2) How many police staff are FIOs and how many are AFIs?