Domestic Abuse (765A/21)
Please state the number of domestic abuse-related crimes that have been reported to West Midlands Police in the years 2016/17 and 2017/18.
Please state the number of domestic abuse-related crimes that have been reported to West Midlands Police in the years 2016/17 and 2017/18.
How many drink driving related arrests were made by your constabulary over the following time periods?
1. Since 01 March 2011 to the present day, please can you provide the number of individuals who have breached the notification requirements as set out in Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act.
With regard to your forces purchases of body armour:
1. Who is/are your current supplier/s
In 2019, how many reports of sexual assault and rape did you receive in which a male was the victim? If possible, please also provide the gender of the accused.
The number of speed camera’s on Newton Road, Great Barr
I am seeking details of the national / local policies & guidance for “Crime Recording by Police Officers Working in Schools” and copies of the policies.
Does your force (at the time of this request) provide unconscious bias training to officers?
Please can you tell me the number of offences in each year since 2016 under ‘sexual offences’ and ‘harassment offences’ where the venue where the offence is recorded to have taken place is ‘educational establishment: school’.
Rape and sexual assault