Impounded Vehicles (1221A/23)
How many vehicles have been impounded (for any reason) in your area?
How many vehicles have been impounded (for any reason) in your area?
1st March 2022 – 30th Sept 2022
In the period ref above, taking a sample (30 for each month) on collision reports on West midlands SRN, please list vehicles involved by type:
Can you tell me which, educational or otherwise, driving courses West Midlands Police can send a driver on.
I would like to know how many traffic offence reports West Midlands Police have made between 1 January 2020 and 8 June 2023 regarding illegal or obscured number plates.
1. How many incidents have been reported to your force against the following offence codes in the years of 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018?
I would like to know the amount of people caught speeding by these average speed cameras and the number of road traffic collisions for non-injury, slight, serious, fatal and KSI.
In each of the last two financial years (21/22) and (22/23) please state that as a result of committing a motoring offence (speeding and all other offences) in your authority how many (a) fixed penalty notices fines were accepted by motorists and (b) how many drivers accepted places on driving training education courses which were offered as an alternative to a Fixed Penalty Notice fine.
The total number of reports submitted, via the Nextbase portal, against the following class of vehicles, by A Cyclists, B Drivers, and C Others:
The number of motorists caught drink driving / under the influence of alcohol in your force area, broken down by month for 2022 and 2023 to date.
Could I ask for the number of fines for both the 2021 and 2022 calendar years for the following traffic offences:
Cause unnecessary obstruction by motor vehicle/trailer outside Greater London area.