Month: October 2022
Officer gender / driving courses (1387A/22)
Non crime incidents (1348A/22)
Job Titles (1372A/22)
A comprehensive list of employee job titles which feature any of the following phrases: equality, diversity, inclusion, wellbeing, carbon, energy, net zero, climate, change maker, race, BAME, LGBTQ+, sustainability, art, awareness, involvement, culture, solidarity, intersectionality, or green.
Moped/Motorcycle <50cc Accidents (1344A/22)
1 – Between 2017-2022, how many road accidents involved a moped/motorcycle of 50CC or less (annually)?
Modern Slavery (1315A/22)
1. How many allegations of modern slavery have been made to your force since 2014?
Compensation Payouts (1281A/22)
How many compensation payouts were made to a) police officers and b) civilian staff in each of the previous financial years a) 2017/18 b) 2018/19 c) 2019/20 d) 2020/21 e) 2021/22 for accident at work claims