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Year: 2021

Outcome 21 (59A/21)

I am writing to request some data relating to the use of Outcome 21 by your force. I would be very grateful if I could have an answer to the following questions relating to Home Office Crime Code 86/2 AND 86/10 which includes the offences:

Job Titles (182A/21)

Could you please tell me how many members of staff in your Police Force have one or more of the words equality, diversity, fairness inclusion, gender, LGBT or race in their job title?

Burglaries (110A/21)

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act, 2000, to request the following crime statistics for the post codes below:

1- number of burglaries
2- number of car thefts
3- number of robberies

Officer Sickness (91A/21)

I need to know the total number of officers off duty due to PTSD and Stress monthly for years 2017, 2018 and 2019 – further broken down by gender.