Stalking Protection Orders ( 851A/21 and 969A/21 )
Stalking Protection Orders
Stalking Protection Orders
I’m writing to request data on the number of incidents of domestic abuse that were reported to your force during the period of the UEFA Euro 2020 (June 11-July 11).
Missing Persons
The total number of the following:
1. Probationary officers as of a) 31 March 2020 and b) 31 March 2021
Please can you tell me the total amount of e-scooters you have seized this year up until July 1, 2021?
Please could you provide me with the following information about your organisation’s ICT expenditure:
Up to the 25th May 2021 there has been, 1 ticket issued at this junction, Lower Queen Street/Holland Road. If the ticket has been issued on or after 7th May 2021 was it as a result of, one of the three checks*. If the ticket is the result of one of the checks, was the ticket for speeding or for turning right.
How many facilities, that are part of your organisation’s occupied workplace estate (owned or leased), have dedicated EV charging points installed and available to all staff?
What boundaries do you have in place when using drones, if any