Year: 2021
Brothels / raids (1629A/21)
20 mph Speed Limit (1738A/21)
Your policy on enforcing 20mph speed limit zones – do you enforce them, what is the threshold for issuing a speeding ticket, summons or prosecution?
Under 10s Arrested (1477A/21)
Per calendar year from 2016 up to and including 2020, how many children under the age of 10 have been arrested?
Please provide a breakdown of race and gender, if it does not push this request over the cost limit.
Acid Attacks (1624A/21)
I would like to request statistics that reveal the number of corrosive fluid offences or acid attacks against the person recorded in 2020.
Specifically, I would like to know:
1. The gender of victims
2. The gender of perpetrators
Digital Forensics (1641A/21)
Please could you answer the following questions below in relation to digital evidence and the retention of digital evidence in your force.
1) Does your force have a digital forensics unit or do you outsource?
Mental Health Related Incidents (1539A/21)
1. Police incidents involving mental health
2. How many calls has your police force received where mental health was flagged and/or cited as a factor (broken down by quarter or monthly as specified above).
Electric Vehicle Charging (1675A/21)
Under the FOI I would like to know, based on google street maps whether you provide electric vehicle charging points for staff at Bloxwich police station?
Civil Claims (1332A/21)
Over the last 10 years how many civil claims brought against the Chief Constable of West Midlands Police ended in the Claimant’s favour
Drone Contracts (1649A/21)
Please provide a list of contracts that have been awarded by West Midlands Police to manufacturers and/or suppliers for the provision of drone technology within the last five financial years