Drones (984A/21)
What boundaries do you have in place when using drones, if any
What boundaries do you have in place when using drones, if any
Please confirm of the forces’ intake dates for new recruits for a period of two-years from circa February 2016.
1. What apps or chatbots does your force use to communicate with the public?
Please could you provide details of the number of arrests related to the taking, making or distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (home office code 86/2) where suspect was under the age of 18 since February 2019.
For each month in the financial years 2019/20 and 2020/21, please provide the number of reports of fraud passed to you from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) to investigate.
Lower Queen Street in Sutton Coldfield town centre, has a no right turn, at its junction with Holland Road. Since 7th May 2021 how many checks/surveillance operations have been carried out at this junction.
I wanted to ask how many sports cars were seized by this force for having no insurance in 2019 and 2020 please. I would like separate figures for both years.