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Officer’s degree (1382A/23)


1.Number of applicants through each of the entry routes (PPD, PCDA, DHEP, Other) and if applicable/available the class of the degrees (1:1, 1:2…) in a numerical breakdown (I.e. PPD – 20 applied, 10 – 1:1, 10 – 1:2) (2019-2023)

2.Number of applicants EMPLOYED through each of the entry routes (PPD, PCDA, DHEP, Other) and if applicable/available the class of the degrees (1:1, 1:2…) in a numerical breakdown (I.e. PPD – 10 accepted, 7 – 1:1, 3 – 1:2) (2019-2023)

3.Can you enter the DHEP with a PPD? And if so, the number of applicants and applicants employed, including (if available) the class of the PPD (1:1, 1:2…) (2019-2023)

4.Total number of officers who have previously served as a special constable (or equivalent) before employment compared to the total amount of officers. And if available years of experience as – less than one year, between 1 and 2 years, between 2 and 4 years, and more than 4 years (2019-2023)

5.Total number of officers with military experience/training compared to the total amount of officers, and if available years of experience as – less than one year, between 1 and 2 years, between 2 and 5 years, between 5 and 10 years, and more than 10 years. (2019-2023-time frame independent, 2018 and before just total officers who have military experience as one number)


Please be advised that the information that you have requested is not available in a readily retrievable format. In relation to the details of the degree,  in respect of class or type of degree. This may be held on the individuals personal record however to provide this information would require us to locate, retrieve and manually read each record, to see if the information you have requested is contained within the officer’s personnel record.

Please see the following calculation as to how long this would take to fulfill this part of your request.

Using the figure of those employed (by this entry route as a guide) 3367 records to see if this information was detailed within the personnel record would take 3 minutes per record. Therefore, this would take in excess of 168 hours to complete this task. This would be in addition to the work already completed.

Therefore, the cost of providing you with the information is above the amount to which we are legally required to respond i.e. the cost of locating and retrieving the information exceeds the ‘appropriate level’ as stated in the Freedom of Information (Fees and Appropriate Limit) Regulations 2004.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, this letter acts as a Refusal Notice for this part of the request and if one part of a request exceeds the fee’s limit then S12 of the Act applies to the whole request

However, in accordance with Section 16 of the Act I have a duty to provide advice and assistance in relation to your request and can provide some of the information, please see attached.
