Category: Uncategorised
Multifunctional Devices (450A/24)
Regarding the use of MFDs (Multifunctional Devices) and/or Managed Print Services
The name of the current supplier
Restraining Orders (351A/24)
In each of the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, how many breaches of restraining orders were recorded by your force?
Homocides (220A/24)
Shootings (47A/24)
Stalking Advocate (61A/24)
If your force has a stalking advocate in place
Pro Palestinian marches costs (1775A/25)
RTC Eyesight Test (1776A/23)
In the event of a Road Traffic Collision where the Police attend:
Is a roadside eyesight test routinely conducted on each driver involved?
10-16 year old have been arrested for knife/sharp implement (1746A/23)
10-16 year old have been arrested for knife/sharp implement