Missing Sex Offenders (89A/21)
Of the 45 sex offenders missing, please could you tell me the following again broken down into each year:
– what risk level each is (i.e. low, medium or high risk)
Of the 45 sex offenders missing, please could you tell me the following again broken down into each year:
– what risk level each is (i.e. low, medium or high risk)
How many ethnic minority officers/civilian staff are currently employed by West Midlands Police Force.
1. Could you please tell me how many police officers in your force are able to communicate with a deaf person by sign language?
1. What was the total number of stop and searches for all reasons, where a more thorough search occurred (PACE code A 3.6)? Please provide data sorted by (self-defined) ethnic group, gender, age and outcome of search.
1) How many reports of “missing people” did your force record over this period?