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Category: Incident and Crime Statistics

Air BNB and Tik Tok Crimes (431A/21)

1) In the 2020 calendar year how many crimes were logged by your force where Airbnb was recorded as being an element in the offence. [Note: I would hope that this could be achieved by a computer search on the MO of crimes for the word/s ‘airbnb’, ‘air bnb’, ‘air-bnb’ and ‘air bandb’.

Hate Crime (450A/21)

I would like to request data on how many racially aggravated incidents or hate crimes have been reported to and/or investigated by West Midlands Police involving victims who are of Chinese, East Asian and South East Asian descent and/or nationality in the six months between September 1 2020 and March 1 2021.

S.15A Offences (735A/21)

Please tell me the number of recorded offences under s.15A of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, sexual communication with a child, (Home Office recording code 71/17) recorded from (and including) April 1st 2020 until (and including) March 31st, 2021.

1 81 82 83 84 85 94