Category: Incident and Crime Statistics
Drink Drug driving arrests (55A/24)
Hate crime where police are victim (128A/24)
Dead XL Bully Dogs (64A/24)
Control and cohersive (77A/24)
No right turn (98A/24)
Shootings (47A/24)
David Lloyd Thefts (52A/24)
Please may I learn how many reports of theft at David Lloyd leisure facilities you received over 2023?
People detained under Section 136 – Mental Health Act 1983. (76A/24)
The number of people placed in police custody after being detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983.
– Please provide the figures for the following calendar years: 2023, 2022, 2021. For example, in 2021, 12 individuals were placed in custody under section 136
Stolen Dogs (46A/24)
Stolen Dogs