Category: Incident and Crime Statistics
Spiking (485A/22)
1) The number of cases of spiking – that is cases with the mention of spiking in the report, specific reports of a spiking etc – in the years from, and including, 2015 to the most recent case in your area.
Malicious Communications (275A/22)
How many people were arrested for alleged offences under Section 1 of the Malicious Communications Act 1988?
Blade/pointed article on school premises (429A/22)
1) The number of reports which contain both the word ‘blade or point on school premises’ where the suspect was under 18. Please provide figures for the 2019/2020 and 2020/21 academic years (1 September to 31 July), broken down by age of suspect, local authority area and the name of the school (unless the name of the school is exempt from release).
Unsolved Murders (713A/22)
I would like to request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 a list of the unsolved murders, including name of victim, as well as date and place of fatal attack, from 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to date.
S60 Orders (820A/22)
Please can you provide the following information for every month between April 2017 and March 2022 – broken down on a monthly basis:
The number of Section 60 orders that were put in place
Hotel Crime (826A/22)
Please could you provide the count of crime allegations by type with a location code of ‘hotel’, ‘motel’ and ‘guest house’ in your police area between 01/06/21 to 31/05/22.
Vehicle Cloning (832A/22)
Please may you provide me with:
The most up to date vehicle cloning data you have from the year 2015 up until as recent as you have readily available data.
Dangerous Dogs – Armed Response (782A/22)
I wish to find out how many times armed officers have been dispatched to respond to reports of dangerous dogs over the last five years.
Child Abduction (765A/22)
A count for the year 1st April to 31st March
(2018 -2019) (2019-2020) (2020-2021) (2021-22), of:
child abductions by a parent (Home Office classification 13/13),