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Category: Incident and Crime Statistics

Strip Searches (602A/22)

1) The number of strip searches following a stop and search in the past 3 calendar years (2019, 2020, 2021) broken down by:
– sex of person searched
– age of person searched
– ethnicity of person searched
– outcome of the search

Racism at Football Matches (850A/22)

1) I would like to find out how many reports of racial abuse at football matches the force received between 1st January 2018 and 31st December 2021, and the total arrests made in connection with these – please could you share the figures in separate tables, split into each calendar year.

Burglaries (842A/22)

1. What are the top ten areas in Birmingham that have had the most burglaries occur over the last 12 months (June 2021 to June 2022)?
2. How many burglaries took place in each area listed in the above question?

High Risk DA Case Referrals (833A/22)

I would like to request information on high risk domestic abuse cases within the West Midlands Region, the details I would ask are:

• How many high risk domestic abuse cases were referred into Wolverhampton MARAC by their GP in the period 1/4/2019-31/3/2020 including a breakdown of gender
• How many high risk domestic abuse cases were referred into Wolverhampton MARAC by their GP in the period 1/4/2020-31/3/2021 including a breakdown of gender
• How many high risk domestic abuse cases were referred into Wolverhampton MARAC by their GP in the period 1/4/2021-31/3/2022 including a breakdown of gender

1 48 49 50 51 52 94