Nitrous Oxide (1525A/22)
How many prosecutions have involved selling ONLY nitrous oxide via the internet.
How many prosecutions have involved selling ONLY nitrous oxide via the internet.
The number of police officers assigned to the following teams and their stadiums on match days from 13th August 2021- 22nd May 2022.
– Aston Villa
– Birmingham City
1.How many reports have been made to the police about if sexual assaults (excluding rapes) on the above hospital premises?
How many home burglaries were reported to your force between 5th September 2022 & 5th October 2022?
How many weapons were seized from schools in the area covered by your constabulary in the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021?
– The number of vehicles seized by the force in the 2021 calendar year
1) Number of civil injunctions issued for antisocial behaviour over the past 12 months
2) Number of public space protection orders issued over the past 12 months