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Author: Andrea Mobberley

Laptop Donations (454A/21)

While it is welcome that you are donating unused laptops to schools – as per today’s press release – I have some concerns about data security, particularly in light of the notebook stolen from a police car last year, endangering the safety of witnesses, which I would not wish to see repeated. Could you please therefore answer the following questions:
Do/did the hard disks contain(ed) data that is/was protectively marked or classified as OFFICIAL, SECRET or TOP SECRET?

Missing From Care Home (419A/21)

Between 1 January 2020 and 28 February 2021, how many individuals have been reported to your force as missing from a care home? (could you please break this information down per month).

Domestic Abuse (329A/21)

For the years 2017 2018 2019 could you please provide the numbers of callouts to the West Midlands police to domestic abuse cases between intimate partners or former partners, to each of the county’s divisions.