Serving police officers with a learning disability (113A/24)
Serving police officers with a learning disability
Serving police officers with a learning disability
Stolen Dogs
Stolen Dogs
My questions are related to ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ (DEI). I recognise organisations may have different names for ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’. Therefore, in the spirit of The Freedom of Information Act, please take this phrase to also mean ‘diversity, equality and inclusion’ or whatever your organisation terms the DEI framework, and to apply to discrete elements of the DEI framework – EG ‘diversity’ training sessions, or ‘inclusivity’ training sessions, as well as training sessions that are related to the DEI framework – EG ‘unconscious bias’ training, or ‘gender identity’ training.
Trauma Risk Management Training
Does your force create body maps as a method of documenting a victim’s injuries?
If yes, is this done internally or externally?
Freedom of Information Request with Reference to The Application of the NPCC Security Systems Policy.
With reference to the above Policy, I ask the following questions regarding the training of your new communications centre staff namely those who receive calls and/or deploy a police resource to incidents. This includes the supervisors of such staff and the senior officer in charge of the comms centre:
What is your spend with external law firms (please provide for the last 4 financial years)?
Do you use eBilling technology to manage your law firms billing (e.g. systems such as Legal Tracker, Brightflag, Apperio, CT Tymetrix, Mitratech etc.)?
Please provide a full breakdown of all data held for WMP Operation Snap in 2022 to include the following:
1. Total number of submissions received.
2. The total number of submissions that were actually reviewed.
In the last 12 months:
I would like to know how many a) arrests, b) fines and c) destruction has happened in the West Bromwich area of illegal electric scooters and bicycles? I have seen some being able to reach speeds over 30 mph (overtaking cars).