Suspended Officers (175A/23)
Can you provide details of the numbers of the total number of police officers with associated rank who are suspended on full pay?
Can you provide details of the numbers of the total number of police officers with associated rank who are suspended on full pay?
Can you please provide the breakdown of ‘theft or unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle’ related crime recorded within the West Midlands police for the following financial years;
How many individuals under the age of 18 have been dealt with by means of ‘Outcome 21’ (per the Home Office counting rules) for any offence relating to consensual child sexting
Could you please tell me how many police officers there are in your force area and the number of officers in each function, i.e. Response, Neighbourhood, Roads, Investigation?
How many police officers and staff in your force have been reported for rape from October 2021 to the end of December 2022?
How many police officers in your force have been found guilty of: a) gross misconduct?
How many officers between the above dates have used the Public Interest Disclosure Procedures which resulted in an officer having disciplinary action taken against them or an investigation being launched?
Please can you confirm how many Street watch patrol groups were active in Wolverhampton as of 11th April 2022
Theft of Used Cooking Oil is increasing.
When this oil is seized by your service, can you please let me know what happens to it?
During the 2022 calendar year, how many temporary fixed position speed cameras were withdrawn from service that were positioned at a site where a temporary speed limit had been introduced because of road maintenance?