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Year: 2022

Speeding Tickets (58A/22)

• The total number of speeding tickets handed out to drivers in your constabulary between 1st January 2021 to 1st January 2022.
• This information should include the collated total number of fines for drivers of cars, HGVs, LCVs, Buses and Motorcycles that exceeded the outlined speeding limit.

Can the above-mentioned information please be supplied in excel format and the data be categorised as per the bullet poinst above.

Indecent Images (1425A/21)

1a) The total number of recorded offences for indecent images (still or moving) of children, for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019
1b) The total number of recorded offences for indecent images (still or moving) of children, for the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020

Spiking (1806A/21)

1. The number of incidents of spiking with a needle reported to the force since 01/09/21, presented via a month by month breakdown.
2. The outcome of each of these reports (for example, the number of arrests in connection with reports, the number of people charged in connection with reports, the number of cases under investigation and the number of cases no longer under investigation).

NPCC Letter (1802A/21)

Accordingly, please could you provide us with the following information?
1. Was the 28 May letter downloaded?

Disclosing private sexual photographs (1794A/21)

Please could you provide the numbers of reported cases and outcomes for Disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress under section 33 of Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 for the years 2021(jan-dec) where the victim is 18 or over.

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