Year: 2022
Knife crime (1547A/22)
Vetting (1509A/22)
Between years July 2015 – July 2022 I would like the following information, broken down by year.
How much per year did your police force spend on vetting
Failed Drug Tests (1471A/22)
I would like to request the following information for West Midlands Police, since 2018:
The number of Police Officers and Police Staff who have failed drug tests.
Officer / Staff Driving Licences (1599A/22)
What is your force policy on checking driving licences (real time checks showing points etc) on officers and staff (do not include new joiners/vetting) on a routine basis, other than following an accident involving a police vehicle.
Driving Offences (1582A/22)
The total number of driving offences recorded in the last 2 years by West Midlands Police in the Birmingham city area
Drugs Eaten By Animals (1595A/22)
Have any seized drugs been eaten by animals while in police storage?
Branding Manual (1604A/22)
Please provide me with a copy of your logo guidelines, branding manual or equivalent document.
NRM Referrals (1562A/22)
The number of NRM referrals, broken down into nationalities, which concern cannabis cultivation.