Pre-Charge Team (41A/21)
1. Do you have a separate pre-charge team?
2. On average, how many pre-charges files does your Force process on a monthly basis?
1. Do you have a separate pre-charge team?
2. On average, how many pre-charges files does your Force process on a monthly basis?
Can you please inform me how many unsolved murder cases there are in the city of Coventry since 1980, can you please give me a breakdown from what year each unsolved murder is from.
How many sexual related offences cases involving transgender victims were reported each year between 01/11/2009 and 01/11/2020.
Data regarding the levels of fines and prosecutions issued to motorists in the recent past, perhaps for the most recent whole year for which you have data?
Since 2018, what has been the average police response time to intruder alarms that have been set off with police response alarms (URN)
Of the 45 sex offenders missing, please could you tell me the following again broken down into each year:
– what risk level each is (i.e. low, medium or high risk)
How many ethnic minority officers/civilian staff are currently employed by West Midlands Police Force.
1) How many mental health related incidents were recorded by your police force in 2019 (1st January 2019 – 31st December 2019)?
2) How many mental health related incidents were recorded by your police force in 2020 (1st January 2020 – 31st December 2020)?