Month: July 2021
Stalking Protection Orders ( 851A/21 and 969A/21 )
Stalking Protection Orders
E-Scooter (1003A/21)
Domestic Abuse (1066A/21)
I’m writing to request data on the number of incidents of domestic abuse that were reported to your force during the period of the UEFA Euro 2020 (June 11-July 11).
Missing Persons (932A/21)
Missing Persons
Probationary Officers (1020A/21)
The total number of the following:
1. Probationary officers as of a) 31 March 2020 and b) 31 March 2021
E-scooters (1009A/21)
Please can you tell me the total amount of e-scooters you have seized this year up until July 1, 2021?
ICT Expenditure (971A/21)
Please could you provide me with the following information about your organisation’s ICT expenditure:
Lower Queen Street – No Right Turn (936A/21)
Up to the 25th May 2021 there has been, 1 ticket issued at this junction, Lower Queen Street/Holland Road. If the ticket has been issued on or after 7th May 2021 was it as a result of, one of the three checks*. If the ticket is the result of one of the checks, was the ticket for speeding or for turning right.
Electric Vehicles / Charging (993A/21)
How many facilities, that are part of your organisation’s occupied workplace estate (owned or leased), have dedicated EV charging points installed and available to all staff?