DA Homicide (228A/21)
Total homicides with a domestic abuse tag that took place between 1 April 2017 and 31 January 2018 (inclusive)
Total homicides with a domestic abuse tag that took place between 1 April 2017 and 31 January 2018 (inclusive)
Could you please tell me how many members of staff in your Police Force have one or more of the words equality, diversity, fairness inclusion, gender, LGBT or race in their job title?
It has been widely reported that PCSO Andy Pope recently achieved his 2000th identification from CCTV:
Birmingham ‘memory cop’ Andy Pope spots 2,000 suspects – BBC News
How many of these identifications resulted in an offender being brought to justice (charged or cautioned)?
I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act, 2000, to request the following crime statistics for the post codes below:
1- number of burglaries
2- number of car thefts
3- number of robberies
The number of Wildlife Crimes under the jurisdiction of your police force in 2020?
I need to know the total number of officers off duty due to PTSD and Stress monthly for years 2017, 2018 and 2019 – further broken down by gender.
In the last three years how many sexual offences were reported to you as having been committed at schools?
How many of were for the offence of rape?
I request you to please provide me the data on: Homicide Victims in Birmingham by a combination of age, sex and ethnicity recorded 2000-2019: i.e. a de-identified, relational spreadsheet with only numbers and no personal details.
1. Do you have a separate pre-charge team?
2. On average, how many pre-charges files does your Force process on a monthly basis?