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Sustainability (932A/23)


I am requesting the following information in accordance with Freedom of Information Law. This information is being sought as part of research into how public sector organisations embed sustainability into their strategy and operations. This information may best be collated by Head of Estates & Facilities or Sustainability Managers within organisations. Please can you provide an answer to each question in spreadsheet format with column headings corresponding to each question – where questions have two parts, please provide a column heading for each part e.g. Q1A and Q1B. It is anticipated that there will be one row of information returned. It is hoped that the information should be relatively straightforward to collect, and a guide to the type of answer is provided below against each numbered question.

No.      Question          Response Type

1          Name of Organisation Text

Managing Environmental Performance:

2a        Have you set a Net Zero Carbon Target?      Y/N then date(s)

2b        What is your timeline for reaching net zero (if you have phased targets, please outline what they are)?          Y/N then date(s)

3          What metrics do you use to measure your carbon footprint and your progress towards net zero?        High level Details e.g. waste volumes, consumption data.

4          Do you have an action plan in place to achieve targets in a timely manner?          Y/N

Governance and Oversight:

5          Does sustainability feature within your organisational strategy/strategic plan as a distinct objective, a strategic principle, brief mention or not at all?  Objective/Principle/

Mention/not at all

6          Please outline whether you have Executive and Non-Executive Board level sustainability leads?        Exec/Non-Exec/Both/Neither

7          Do you have an Environmental Steering Group that oversees and/or directs the organisation’s overall environmental impact?       Y/N

8          Does climate change appear as a risk on your corporate risk register?          Y/N

9          Do you have a Climate Change Adaption Plan?       Y/N


10        How many dedicated Sustainability roles do you have within your organisation?  Number

11        Do you have designated capital and revenue budgets for environmental improvement (over and above any designated staff cost budgets)?        Cap/Rev/Both/NA


12        Please outline the degree to which sustainability features in your induction and mandatory training programme?          Please provide an outline of training plan e.g. Induction module. Mandatory training e-learning module, or N/A

13        Do you have a staff forum for raising and developing environmental ideas? Y/N

14a      How frequently do you routinely engage with your key internal service users on environmental performance and improvement?            Frequency: Ad-hoc when info is required/annually/ bi-annually/other frequency (please state).

14b      What methods do you adopt for engagement?            Survey/Forum/Other (please describe)/NA

15a      How frequently do you routinely engage with your key external service users on environmental performance and improvement?            Frequency: Ad-hoc when info is required/annually/ bi-annually/other frequency (please state).

15b      What methods do you adopt for engagement?            Survey/Forum/Other (please describe)/NA


16        Do you require an evaluation of sustainability impact, and in particular environmental impact, in the development and submission of business cases?         Y/N

17        Do you evaluate the sustainability of service delivery and equipment performance in your procurement tenders (excluding ‘green’ schemes such as solar arrays)?         Yes, in All

Yes, in Most

Yes, in Some


18        If yes, have you ever awarded a tender based on sustainability credentials over most competitive price (excluding any ‘green’ schemes such as solar panels)?            Y/N

Brand and Promotion

19        Do you promote yourself as a ‘green’ organisation either in your brand design or overtly on your external literature/website? Y/N

20        Do you have Intranet Content on sustainability for staff, and is it directly accessed from your home page?      Y/N followed by Y/N/NA

21        Does your public website include content on sustainability, and is it directly accessed from your home page?    Y/N followed by Y/N/NA


Please find attached our response (932A_Attachment).

