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Special Constabulary (567A/24)


  1. The Total Number of Special Constables in your organisation on 31/03/2024 using Self-Defined Ethnicity – 18+1 standard.
  2. How many Specials hold Independent Patrol Status (IPS) under IP4SC, or how many hold Qualified Special Constable (QSC) status if the force uses SCLP/PEQF on 31/03/2024.
  3. The number of Male and Female Specials holding Special Sergeant Grade on 31/03/2024 using Self-Defined Ethnicity – 18+1 standard.
  4. The number of Male and Female Specials holding Special Inspector Grade on 31/03/2024 using Self-Defined Ethnicity – 18+1 standard.
  5. The number of Male and Female Specials holding grade of Special Chief Inspector or above if the grades are used on 31/03/2024 using Self-Defined Ethnicity – 18+1 standard.


I can confirm under Section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that this information is held by West Midlands Police. However, while the majority of this information is attached (567A_24_attachment.pdf) I am withholding some of the information for questions 3,4 and 5 by virtue of Section 40(2) – Personal information.

This exemption is shown here:

Section 40(2) allows for personal data to be withheld where release of information would breach the third party’s data protection rights. In this case. due to the small number of individuals that hold the grades of Special Sergeant, Special Inspector, and Special Chief Inspector or above, there is a risk of identification with any data we release.

Ethnic origin is ‘special category’ personal data as defined in Article 9 of the UK GDPR. Therefore, to release this information it needs a UK GDPR Article 9 condition for processing, as well as an Article 6 basis for processing. I do not consider that either of these required conditions are met in this instance and therefore the information is exempt from release.

This letter serves as a refusal notice under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

