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Police Pensions (1724A/21)


Can you please provide information if West Midlands Police   are allowing police officer to retire from the force under immediate detriment as per the ruling in relation to McCloud/Sargeant unlawful discrimination in their pensions.

If this is the case when was the policy implemented and what is the policy for processing to allow officer to retire under their legacy pension should they request this.


Please find enclosed our response.


Following previous guidance from the Home Office, West Midlands Police allowed their qualifying members the option to retire with all benefits from their legacy scheme. Following the latest decision by the Home Office to withdraw their guidance in respect of Immediate Detriment and considering all the factors associated with this withdrawal West Midlands Police have followed this new guidance and withdrawn immediate detriment for their members.

All future retirements will now be based on regulations in force at the date of retirement.


As recommended as good practice by the Information Commissioner’s Office a version of this response may be published on the West Midlands Police website.



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