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police officers and staff that have breached covid (791A/21)


1) How many police officers with your force have been found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions?

2) For each police officer found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, could you tell me their rank?

3) For each police officer found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, could you briefly outline the details of the case, the date it occurred and the outcome (e.g. fine issued) and whether the officer still works for your force?

4) How other many members of staff employed by your force (i.e. members of staff who are not police officers) have been found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions?

5) For each case listed in your answer to question 4, could you briefly outline the details of the case, the date it occurred and the outcome (e.g. fine issued) and whether the member of staff still works for your force?


We can confirm that some relevant information is held by West Midlands Police. However, we are withholding that information since it is exempt by virtue of the following exemptions.


Section 40 (2) Personal information


Please find enclosed our response.

West Midlands Police can confirm that there has been 1 Professional Standard Investigation in relation to both Police Officers and staff, where the matter of the investigation has been related to Coronavirus breaches.

This one case has been finalised and the individual was on duty when the breach occurred.

The disciplinary sanction for the one case that has been finalised and the information release / employment status is exempt due to S40 (2) Personal Data.

The brief description of the breach is also exempt to information release due to S40 (2) Personal data.


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