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Misconduct Investigations (705A/22)


  1. How many misconduct investigations are conducted each year (which originated internally within your force and have been investigated locally or independently by the IOPC? Please provide 3 years of data)
  2. How many of these relate to Abuse of Power for Sexual Purpose (APSP) allegations?
  3. How many of the APSP cases are referred to the IOPC?
  4. How many cases relate to allegations of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)?
  5. How many cases relate to other forms of Police Sexual Misconduct (PSM)?
  6. How many cases relate to sexist/misogynistic behaviour?
  7. In how many of the identified investigation types (APSP/PSM/VAWG/misogynistic behaviour) has the alleged offender been previously investigated for similar allegations?
  8. Under what circumstances would PSM/APSP allegations be referred to the IOPC?
  9. How many of the ‘offenders’ are male/female?
  10. How many of the victims are male/female?
  11. What is the ratio of male:female employees?
  12. What proportion of senior officers or senior staff are female?
  13. Do officers & staff have to work towards performance driven targets? If so what are the targets?
  14. What work is being actively undertaken to identify cases of APSP/PSM?
  15. What additional work is being conducted to establish why this type of police misconduct is occurring (APSP/PSM)?
  16. What has been identified from this work?
  17. What is being done to address the current police culture in order to make policing a more ethical and inclusive workplace (particularly in relation to sexist/misogynistic behaviours)?
  18. Who is ultimately responsible for addressing the policing culture?
  19. What control measures are in place to safeguard against misogynistic or sexist attitudes/VAWG/APSP/PSM.
  20. What training is given in these areas? How often is this delivered? Have all officers and staff received this training?
  21. How do you ensure police officers and staff are familiar with the code of ethics? Do they need to sign a declaration to confirm they have read and understand the document? How often?
  22. Do the government provide any support to tackle the issues identified (APSP/PSM/VAWG/misogynistic)? If so what?
  23. Do you have a specialist department to investigate internal allegations of this nature?
  24. Are the outcomes of the identified misconduct investigations advertised within the force? If so, are all outcomes published, or is there a differentiation dependent on the case type and severity? Where are they published?
  25. How do you ensure that senior officers and senior staff are held accountable and their actions are transparent to the rest of the force?
  26. Is there an available whistleblowing process?
  27. How is this advertised?
  28. What support is in place for whistle-blowers?
  29. Does your force engage with the local community/community agencies in order to encourage them to report inappropriate behaviour? If so how and what agencies?
  30. Do you have any supportive action initiatives to ensure a representative workforce? If so please explain what these are.


Please find attached (705A_22_attachment.pdf).

Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from a number of data sources used by forces for police purposes. The detail collected to respond specifically to your request is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when interpreting those data.

The figures provided therefore are our best interpretation of relevance of data to your request, but you should be aware that the collation of figures for ad hoc requests may have limitations and this should be taken into account when those data are used.

If you decide to write an article / use the enclosed data we would ask you to take into consideration the factors highlighted in this document so as to not mislead members of the public or official bodies, or misrepresent the relevance of the whole or any part of this disclosed material.

