Misconduct Hearings (595A/22)
How many misconduct hearings were held by your police force in the financial years:
2018- 2019
2021-2022 (to date)
How many of the misconduct hearings above for the financial years between 2018-2022 ( to date) were held in private?
How many sexual misconduct cases were there in your police force in the financial years:
2020- 2021
2021- 2022 to date
How many officers were granted anonymity or were unnamed for sexual misconduct cases, can you break this down into male/female and other officers in the financial years from 2018-2022 ( to date)
How many officers were given a final written warning were given anonymity or were unnamed for sexual misconduct cases, can you break this down into male/female and other officers in the financial years from 2018-2022 (to date)
How many non-sexual misconducts hearings were held by your police force in the financial years:
2020- 2021
2021-2022 to date
How many officers dismissed for gross misconduct were granted anonymity or were unnamed in non-sexual misconduct cases in the financial years between 2018 -2022 ( to date). Can you break this down into gender male/female and other officers?
How many officers given a final written warning were granted anonymity or unnamed in non- sexual misconduct cases , can you break this down into gender male/female and other in the financial years 2018- 2022 ( to date)
How many officers dismissed for gross misconduct were named, can you break this down into gender of male/ female and other officers for the financial years
2020- 2021
2021-2022 (to date)
How many officers given a final written warning were named, can you break this down into male/female and other officers for financial years 2018-2022 ( to date)
We can confirm that some relevant information is held by West Midlands Police. However, while the majority of the information is attached to this email I am afraid that I am not required to release all of the information requested. Please find attached a redacted document.
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Section 40 – Personal Data
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Section 40(2) is an absolute and class based exemption if to release the information exists would breach the third party’s data protection rights. In this case to release this personal information would not constitute fair processing of the data. As this exemption is class based I am not required to identify the harm in disclosure and in this instance I believe that the right to privacy outweighs any public interest in release.