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distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (1040A/22)


  1. Please could you provide details of the number of arrests related to the taking, making or distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (home office code 86/2) where suspect was under the age of 18 between 1st July 2021 and 1st July 2022.
  2. Please could you provide the total number of crimes related to the taking, making or distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (home office code 86/2) where suspect was under 18 that have been recorded as Outcome 21, between 1st July 2021 and 1st July 2022.
  3. Please could you provide the total number of crimes related to the taking, making or distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (home office code 86/2) where suspect was under 18 that have been recorded as Outcome 22, between 1st July 2021 and 1st July 2022.
  4. If possible, and do disregard if this is too much trouble, if you have a published policy regarding when Outcome 21 and Outcome 22 are recorded related to the sharing of intimate images of a minor, please could you also provide this. I realise some forces might just follow NPCC guidance and not have their own policy.


Please could you provide details of the number of arrests related to the taking, making or distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (home office code 86/2) where suspect was under the age of 18 between 1st July 2021 and 1st July 2022.


No arrests have been recorded that match these criteria.


Please note that in order to deal with a crime an arrest is not always necessary.

West Midlands Police will always try to deal with under 18-year olds out of the custody system.  Instead they are dealt with by means of voluntary interview and reported to court if it is deemed that that would be the outcome.



Please could you provide the total number of crimes related to the taking, making or distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (home office code 86/2) where suspect was under 18 that have been recorded as Outcome 21, between 1st July 2021 and 1st July 2022.






Please note all outcomes for this offence detailed in the table below.


Outcome Total
Not recorded 7
Community Resolution 3
Evidential Difficulties – Victim Based – Named suspect not identified 3
Formal action against the offender is not in the public interest (Police) 3
Further action will be taken by another body 44
Investigation Complete: No suspect identified 10
Named Suspect identified: evidential difficulties prevent further action (no victim support) 45
Named Suspect identified: evidential difficulties prevent further action (victim support) 62
Prosecution prevented – Named suspect identified but is below the age of criminal responsibility 1
Suspect Identified, but not in the public interest for police to investigate 59
Grand Total 237


Please could you provide the total number of crimes related to the taking, making or distribution of an indecent (or pseudo sexual) image of a child (home office code 86/2) where suspect was under 18 that have been recorded as Outcome 22, between 1st July 2021 and 1st July 2022.


No arrests have been recorded that match these criteria


Please note that in order to deal with a crime an arrest is not always necessary.

West Midlands Police will always try to deal with under 18-year olds out of the custody system.  Instead they are dealt with by means of voluntary interview and reported to court if it is deemed that that would be the outcome.



If possible, and do disregard if this is too much trouble, if you have a published policy regarding when Outcome 21 and Outcome 22 are recorded related to the sharing of intimate images of a minor, please could you also provide this. I realise some forces might just follow NPCC guidance and not have their own policy.


We do not have specific policy in relation to this matter, as we follow guidance held within PNLD (Police National Legal Database) on guidance how to apply outcomes.  Details below in relation to outcome 21 and outcome 22.



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