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Dismissed Special Constables (1256A/21)


  1. Please could you provide case details of special constables dismissed from the force, or who have resigned while under investigation, between January 1, 2015 and August 1, 2021?
  2. Could you provide the reason given for their dismissal, or for what they were being investigated, and the year in which the special constable was dismissed or resigned?
  3. Where the disciplinary case involved or led to a criminal conviction, which was registered by the force, please could the listed offence information be provided?


Question 1:

6 dismissed and 2 resigned.

Question 2:


Years dismissed: 2015 (2); 2016 (3); 2017 (1)


Years resigned: 2015 and 2016

Question 3:


Failing to provide a specimen

Assault x2

Driving under the influence of alcohol

Criminal damage


For the criminal convictions and linking the offences to the years and whether dismissed or resigned, we can confirm that some relevant information is held by West Midlands Police. However, we are withholding that information since it is exempt by virtue of the following exemptions.

Section 40 (2):  Personal Information

These exemptions and explanatory notes are shown here:

Section 40 (2) allows for personal data to be withheld where release would breach the third party’s data protection rights. It would be unfair to release this information where any person could be identified from the data and in this case the right to privacy outweighs any public interest in release.



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