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Category: Incident and Crime Statistics

Emergency Police Child Protection Notices (1026A/21)

1) How many Section 46 (of the Childrens Act 1989) Emergency Police Child Protection Notices your force has activated in each of the following years, ie where your force has taken removed children to a safe location to protect them from significant harm:
April 2018 – Mar 2019
April 2019 – Mar 2020
April 2020 – Mar 2021

Sexual Offences at Schools (953A/21)

Under the Freedom of Information Act please can you tell me how many sexual offences have been reported between 1 January 2016 and the present day (21st June 2021) where the location recorded was a school and both the perpetrator and victim were under 18.

Unsolved Murders (943A/21)

1) Please could you provide me with a list of unsolved murders which have taken place within the force area between 1960 and 2020?
Please include for each case;
a) the name of the victim
b) the victims age

1 73 74 75 76 77 94