Catalytic Converter Theft (1161A/22)
The number of catalytic converter thefts recorded by your force, month by month, in the last 24 full months of for which you have data?
The number of catalytic converter thefts recorded by your force, month by month, in the last 24 full months of for which you have data?
Sexual Offences
999 calls were received in July
Crimes by postcode
1. The number of violence against the person offences recorded by West Midlands Police Force involving victims in age categories 65-74 and 75+
The number of people aged under 18, who have been charged with theft of a motor vehicle for each of the calendar years ending 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (year to date).
How many recorded offences did your force record in each of the offence categories listed below – where an e-scooter was recorded as being part of the criminal offence.
The total number of attacks and assaults that have taken place each year from 01 January 2018 to 31 March 2021, where the victim’s occupation is recorded as ‘Taxis’