Transgender Hate Crime (665A/23)
1) How many hate crimes have been recorded by police towards a Trans person/people between April 18th 2018 to now?
1) How many hate crimes have been recorded by police towards a Trans person/people between April 18th 2018 to now?
1. Total number of Under 16’s arrested in your constabulary area in this time period.
How many non-crime hate incidents have been recorded by your force in the 2022 calendar year?
The total number of exposure and voyeurism sexual offences reported to your force in 2021 and 2022.
Please provide the number of cases of modern slavery and human trafficking reported to the force between January 1st 2022 and December 31st 2022.
In the financial year 2021/22, please state, per offence code, how many of the following crimes were recorded by West Midlands Police, and what was the outcome of each of those crimes:
Please share figures for how many murders have occurred within the Force’s area each year over the last 10 years. e.g. 2010-11 through to 2021-22.
How many arrests were made by your force for drugs possession? (not intent to supply, possession only). How many arrests were foreign nationals – and can you list the nationalities?
I would like to request the following information on how many reports of spiking have been made to this force from 01/04/2022 to 01/04/2023.