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Category: Incident and Crime Statistics

Dog Attacks (683A/23)

Q1: Please can you provide the number of reported dog attacks in your force area in 2022. 
Q2: Please can you provide the number of reported dog attacks in your force area for every year since 2010? 

Homicide (1676A/22)

Please can you provide me electronically by email and broken down annually by calendar year from and including 2012 to the latest data available to date (12th December 2022):
1. Of the total recorded homicides each year, the number of victims killed by an offender/offenders the victim had previously reported to your police force for an offence in the sub group of “stalking and harassment” in the count offence classification code.

Revenge Porn (1653A/22)

Please can you provide figures for the number of revenge porn offences where the victim was between the ages of 0-17, and the method of communication was a social media platform. Please can you break down this data by social media platform.

Vagrancy Act (1569A/22)

Under the Freedom of Information Act can I ask for the following information from your authority on homelessness convictions and arrests amongst under 18s.

I would like to request the information in questions 1-3 for the annual data for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 (if possible).

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