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Category: Incident and Crime Statistics

Offences Involving Computer Games (400A/23)

1. Using the key words ‘Roblox’, ‘Fortnite’, ‘Clash of Clans’, ‘world of Warcraft’, ‘Minecraft’ and ‘FIFA’, the number of reports of crimes involving online computer games in the past five calendar years, as well as updated data in the calendar year 2023 – broken down by calendar year

Domestic Homicides (316A/23)

From 01/01/2020 to 31/01/2023, how many domestic homicide offences, where a partner (and please state their gender) was killed by their current or former partner (please state their gender), have been recorded by your police force?

Phone Thefts (291A/23)

Could I please have data on phones stolen/on the street thefts in the past five years across the West Midlands please? For example this includes (but is not inclusive to):

• How many phone and bag thefts there were reported, broken down by the year and the months these happened.

Ketamine Offences (339A/23)

I’m contacting you to request information about offences relating to ketamine possession in your area of operations.

• The number of offences relating to ketamine possession between 2012 and 2023, broken down by year.

1 23 24 25 26 27 94