Category: Incident and Crime Statistics
Child exploitation (1733A/23)
Illegal Abortion (1657A/23)
For the calendar years 2018 to 2023, please provide me with:
The number of persons investigated in relation to the procurement of an illegal abortion.
Residential Burglaries of the Home (1761A/23)
How many ‘residential burglaries of the home’ only (excluding unconnected buildings like sheds) were reported to your force between 1st June 2023 & 30th September 2023.
Dog Attacks (1647A/23)
The number of dog attacks on a person each month within the last six months, and what the breed of dog was
Shoplifting (1651A/23)
How many offences of shoplifting/theft from shops has your force recorded in each month of 2022 and 2023 to date?
Stolen Pets (1670A/23)
I am requesting the number of stolen pets in your jurisdiction
Crime Outcomes (1700A/23 )
Crime Outcomes
Islamophobic Hate Crime – Oct 22 & 23 (1712/23A)
How many reports did you receive of Islamophobic hate crimes in October 2023?
McDonald’s Assaults (1652A/23)
The number of reported assaults in the West Midlands where the location is listed as McDonalds?