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Defamation Claims (907A/23)



1) Between 01/01/21 and the day of this request, how many unique defamations claims against your force have you received? Please tell me the date on which each of these claims were made. By ‘unique’ I mean do not include incidences where one person has made several claims about the same alleged incident.

1a) How many claims were upheld (i.e. you have admitted wrongdoing)? 1b) what was the total amount of compensation paid to the claimants? 1c) please breakdown the nature of the defamation claims in each case (i.e. your force may have failed its duties of impartiality and confidentiality, by referring to the allegations against the claimant as if they were facts, or published a wanted person of suspect who subsequently turned out to have no connection with the crime).


Please find enclosed our response.


West Midlands Police have no defamation claims between 01/01/21 and todays date.



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