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PCSO Powers (1160A/22)


As I understand but correct me if I’m wrong, PCSOs have no power of arrest apart from citizens arrest.

However, can you tell me, do they have power to detain you and if so how long can they legally detain you for.

Also, is this a blanket rule between all police forces within the UK Or is this specifically just for the West Midlands?


Please find enclosed our response.

As I understand but correct me if im wrong, PCSOs have no power of arrest apart from citizens arrest.

PCSOs have no power of arrest apart from citizens arrest

However, can you tell me, do they have power to detain you and if so how long can they legally detain you for.

No powers to detain

West Midlands Police have never designated this power for our PCSO’s,

Also, is this a blanket rule between all police forces within the UK Or is this specifically just for the West Midlands?

We can only speak on behalf of West Midlands Police.



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