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Body Worn Video (1645A/21)


Information/data on the introduction and deployment of body-worn cameras to officers in your constabulary.

  1. Date of first deployment + percentage of officers equipped, in first year.
  2. Percentage of officers equipped each year after first year of deployment.

(Calendar and financial year if possible).


I am writing to inform you that we have searched our records and there is no specific data held.

Body Worn Video has been in use by the West Midlands Police since 2016 – initially used by Response and Firearms, having been trialled on a couple of Response Teams at Bourneville.

In 2018, the use of BWV was rolled out to all other public-facing police officers and PCSO’s.

Please note that The Freedom of Information Act applies to recorded information only and therefore we are unable to supply percentages of officers equipped at various points throughout the years as this percentage data has never been created.


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