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Officers with sexual harassment complaints (1405A/21)


  1. How many complaints have been made against police officers – either on or off duty – for sexual harassment. Please can I have this data for the calendar years 2015, 2020 and 2021 (up to 30th September 2021). Please could you break this information down by year, gender of complainant, and whether the officer was on duty? Please include whether any further action was taken.



Case details 2015 2020 2021
Number of complaints 3 1 0
Number of allegations 6 1 0
Allegations On Duty 6 Unknown N/A
Allegations Off Duty 0 Unknown N/A
Gender of complainant 2 Females; 1 Male Male N/A
Gender of subject 2 Males; 1 female Male N/A
Action taken 1 Written Warning; 1 Special case Hearing that led to dismissal without notice; 1 Not Upheld by PSD Complaint was resolved. No action was taken. N/A


In relation to if the Officer/s were off/on duty, this was not inputted and recorded in the case so it has been recorded as unknown

  1. How many police officers have faced disciplinary investigations as a result of a sexual harassment claim made against them. Please can I have this data for the calendar years 2015, 2020 and 2021 (up to 30th September 2021) Please could you break this information down by year, gender of complainant, and whether the officer was on duty? In each case, please could you state whether any misconduct was found and, if so, what disciplinary action was taken including verbal/written/final warnings, suspension, dismissal etc. 



Case details 2015 2020 2021
Number of complaints Unknown 3 0
Number of allegations Unknown 8 0
Allegations On Duty Unknown Unknown N/A
Allegations Off Duty Unknown Unknown N/A
Gender of complainant Unknown This is not recorded for conduct cases. N/A
Gender of subject Unknown Four Males N/A
Action taken Unknown 1 remains live, 1 had no case to answer and 1 was resolved. N/A


Please be advised that all of the information that you have requested is not held in an electronically searchable/retrievable format. The force has not been able to retrieve conduct matters pre new regulations (pre Feb 2020). Because, to retrieve them would require a manual review of each case, as conduct cases of a sexual nature are not in a retrievable format. Therefore the cost of providing you with the information is above the amount to which we are legally required to respond i.e. the cost of locating and retrieving the information exceeds the ‘appropriate level’ as stated in the Freedom of Information (Fees and Appropriate Limit) Regulations 2004.

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, this letter acts as a Refusal Notice for this part of the request in relation to 2015 data and if one part of a request exceeds the fees limit then S12 of the Act applies to the whole request

However, In accordance with Section 16 of the Act I have a duty to provide advice and assistance in relation to your request and have provided the information for the remainder of the request as this was retrieved during our initial research. This should not be taken as a precedent that additional information would be supplied outside of the time/fees legislation for any subsequent requests


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