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Violent crime and sexual offences (418A/21)


please would you be able to provide the information requested during the time period of 16 March 2019 to 16 March 2021. Please could you provide the data from Birmingham as a collective, rather than East and West separately.


Q1: Please could you provide the total number of crimes in this time frame which have been categorised by your force as violent in nature? This should include:


  • Assault with injury
  • Common assault
  • Harassment
  • Murder
  • Offensive weapon
  • Wounding/GBH
  • Other violence

Q2: Please could you also provide the total number of crimes in this time frame that have been categorised by your force as sexual offences? This should include:

  • Indecent assault
  • Unlawful (including under age) sexual intercourse
  • Rape

Yes, please confirm the gender of both the suspect and the victim of each crime.


Please find enclosed our response. All figures are for the time period of 16 March 2019 to 16 March 2021


Q1: Please could you provide the total number of crimes in this time frame which have been categorised by your force as violent in nature? This should include:

Yes, please confirm the gender of both the suspect and the victim of each crime. 

  • Assault with injury
  • Common assault
  • Harassment
  • Murder
  • Offensive weapon
  • Wounding/GBH
  • Other violence


NOTE: Crimes were categorised by those that fell under “Violence against the person”


This search covers the crimes listed above that “should be” included and “other violence”.

Offence Total
Assault With Injury 26181
Assault With Injury On An Emergency Worker(Other Than A Constable) 112
Assault With Injury On Constable 741
Assault With Intent To Cause Serious Harm 3081
Assault Without Injury 462
Assault Without Injury On A Constable 466
Attempt Murder 126
Breach Of Stalking Order/Interim Stalking Order 7
Causing Death By Aggravated Veh Take 1
Causing Death By Careless Driving Under Influence Of Drink Or Drugs 1
Causing Death By Careless Or Inconsiderate Driving 1
Causing Death/Serious Injury By Dangerous Driving 23
Causing Or Allowing Death Of Child/Vulnerable Person 7
Child Abduction 88
Common Assault(Assault Without Injury) 25185
Conspiracy To Murder 4
Cruelty To Children/Young Persons 5536
Endangering Life 100
Harassment 12275
Illegal Abortion 1
Intentional Destruction Of A Viable Unborn Child 2
Kidnapping – False Imprisonment 480
Malicious Communication 12166
Manslaughter 3
Modern Slavery 615
Murder 43
Possession Of Article With Blade Or Point 1896
Possession Of Firearm With Intent 371
Possession Of Other Weapon 748
Public Fear, Alarm Or Distress 14075
Racially Or Religiously Aggravated Common Assault(Assault W/O Injury) 655
Racially Or Religiously Aggravated Harassment 507
Racially Or Religiously Aggravated Public Fear, Alarm Or Distress 3487
Racially/Religiously Aggravated Assault With Injury 316
Stalking 2991
Threats To Kill 2724
Grand Total 115477


Offender Gender Total
Male 54614
Female 21018
Unknown 39543
Grand Total 115477


Victim  Gender Total
Female 59750
Male 48633
Unknown 6712
Grand Total 115477

Q2: Please could you also provide the total number of crimes in this time frame that have been categorised by your force as sexual offences? This should include: 

  • Indecent assault
  • Unlawful (including under age) sexual intercourse
  • Rape


Yes, please confirm the gender of both the suspect and the victim of each crime. 


NOTE: Crimes were categorised by those that fell under “Sexual Offences”


This search ensures that the Crimes that “should be included” are listed, and all those that fall under “Sexual Offences”.


Offence Total
Abuse Of Children Through Prostitution 97
Abuse Of Trust Of A Sexual Nature 6
Causing Sexual Activity Without Consent 28
Exposure And Voyeurism 321
Incest Or Familial Sexual Offences 12
Other Miscellaneous Sexual Offences 7
Rape Female U13 298
Rape Female U16 260
Rape Male 16+ 193
Rape Male U13 87
Rape Male U16 23
Rape of a Female – Multiple Undefined Offenders 79
Rape of a Male – Multiple Undefined Offenders 11
Rape Of Female 16+ 2231
Sexual Activity Involving A Child U13 281
Sexual Activity Involving A Child U16 604
Sexual Activity With A Person With A Mental Disorder 4
Sexual Assault Male Aged 13+ 199
Sexual Assault Male Aged U13 135
Sexual Assault On Female 13+ 1623
Sexual Assault On Female U13 466
Sexual Grooming 116
Unnatural Sexual Offences 1
Grand Total 7082


Offender Gender Total
Male 4041
Female 249
Unknown 2710
Grand Total 7082


Victim  Gender Total
Female 5680
Male 873
Unknown 430
Grand Total 7082


Where the field is “RESTRICTED”, no gender is recorded for the purpose of a data search engine.  The information is restricted due to the nature of the offence.

All “Unknown” genders are listed as such because the data recording field has not been completed.

Please note that these data should be interpreted with caution. Comparing numbers of incidents/crimes can be misleading and does not necessarily indicate the likelihood of someone being a victim of crime. In addition, the number of incidents/crimes recorded in an area over a period of time can be influenced by a number of factors. Consequently statistics on incidents/crimes for one period may not necessarily be a good indicator of future incidents in that area.

Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from a number of data sources used by forces for police purposes. The detail collected to respond specifically to your request is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when interpreting those data.

The figures provided therefore are our best interpretation of relevance of data to your request, but you should be aware that the collation of figures for ad hoc requests may have limitations and this should be taken into account when those data are used.

If you decide to write an article / use the enclosed data we would ask you to take into consideration the factors highlighted in this document so as to not mislead members of the public or official bodies, or misrepresent the relevance of the whole or any part of this disclosed material.



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